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Introducing - PhysioWave Pro

Over 1 in 7 adults with elevated risk for cardiovascular disease are not correctly identified by today’s clinical intake practices [1] until now.

After 25 years of research, the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology now support the measurement of Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) to assess arterial stiffness together with traditional risk factors to improve cardiovascular risk prediction.
PWV is the next vital sign.


PhysioWave Pro

The world’s first FDA-cleared scale-based PWV device.

PhysioWave Pro

Latest News

PhysioWave receives FDA clearance for its PhysioWave Pro cardiovascular analyzer.

Learn More

PhysioWave Pro delivers clinically accurate PWV data with no appreciable change to your patient workflow.

Chief medical officer Judith L. Swain, M.D.

“Now that PWV can easily be measured in the outpatient setting, we should provide this assessment on a routine basis to all patients.”
CMO, Judith L. Swain, M.D.


Designed to provide clinically accurate measures of pulse wave velocity, pulse rate, bodyweight, and BMI in under a minute.


User interface optimized for fast-paced workflows.